These colder temperatures have taken me by surprise. Thus, I was unprepared. I think today we have highs in the 50s, so that will be a nice break. My husband and I were out trying to do things that we’ve been meaning to do, like putting up the new house number I had made (ordered it). Then I cleaned the white porch framing that faced the road so that the house number looked nicer. And since I had my cleaning supplies in hand, I gave the mailbox a nice cleaning. It’s also white. Then we hung up the birdhouse I bought a few weeks ago for helping birds find shelter in the cold. I hope it’s not too late.
I’m running behind on gardening, too. But I look at it as gaining experience, even though I’m late with getting seeds sprouted. Usually these winter temperatures don’t set in until after December.
While I was in Charleston I bought a roll of very wide bubble wrap. I was able to put up one section yesterday right over where my desk sits in the greenhouse. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Now everything in that area can dry out. The condensation has been so heavy and dripping everywhere. Maybe I’ll have enough to do the remaining sections. If not, I’ll pick up some more when I go into Charleston, unless a store around here has some.
My husband is going back to Charleston today. I usually have mixed feelings about this. And I just don’t understand why he went to all the trouble to get this land and house when he seems so reluctant to leave Charleston. At least I have a new home that I can call my own finally and maybe that’s a major purpose of it all. I have felt reluctant to be stuck with a house in Charleston that I have to try and sell should something happen to him, but I’m tired of pushing him about it. I need to direct my energies in better ways. I don’t like wasting my time or energy doing things that don’t result in a change.
Actually, for my energy type it’s best to redirect my energies when something feels frustrating and come back to it later. In the intervening time a new solution or way of handling it often presents itself.
Our stray kitty has shown up to be fed. I heard him come out from under the house. Recently I bought a heated shelter for him and have it just under the porch steps. I guess he’s not noticed it.
I’ve been meaning to see if the Trust Technique animal communication course would be useful for me. I want to find a way to let Lloyd (the stray) know that the heated shelter is there. I suppose Lloyd feels really safe under the house, especially from people. I wish he would trust us. Since he won’t let us near him, I’d like to find a way to communicate with him from a distance.
Everything is frosty outside. It got down to 29 degrees. I see the sunshine peeking through the trees and now it’s 30 degrees. Even the pool has a top layer of ice.
That’s another area I got behind in – preparing my pool for the winter. There’s a video I saved that’s supposed to show me what to do. I’ll need to see if the water froze in the tubes before the pump turns on.
After I finish this page, I’d like to see how warm it is in the greenhouse. I have three chick brooder lamps currently on where my plants and seedlings are sitting. I have a fourth lamp but I’m concerned about overloading my extension cord. I still have grow-lights (on the same extension cord) – one I still have to set up. I’ll assess things when I go out. It may be that I could use the 4th one only at night since I don’t use the grow lights at that time.
I’d like to make space to set up my Project Cards stands. Yesterday felt more like a day of getting acclimated to being back home and I felt a little tired. Once my husband leaves (for Charleston) I’ll switch to my living-alone mode. Having the Project Cards will help me sense where my energy wants to flow.
I walked around the property yesterday. Still a lot of work to do out there. I need to set up those relevant Project Cards.
I see that the temperature has climbed another degree. I hope it will be sunnier today to warm things up.
I do feel sad about my husband leaving. I do find it an odd combination to have the desire to be with people like my Line 4 shows (in my Human Design) but at the same time following a personal destiny path, which seems to require that I spend time alone focusing on doing things as I’m guided. In that regard, being around people distracts me.
And I’m really tired of suggesting get togethers with people that are often ignored or rejected.
So I have to be done with that, too.
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