• Assumptions Getting in My Way

    Another “late bloom,” this being a Sunday when I usually have breakfast with my Dad at the crack of dawn.   And this will sound silly, but I couldn’t find my notebook paper in my bedroom because everything is still in disarray after moving the furniture around.  So, I just decided to buy more paper at…

  • Creating Conditions for Divine Experience

    Unexpected events this morning.  All of us who went to last night’s Christmas Show got back to my sister’s house around 10:30 PM.  It would have been another hour for me to drive back home.  Instead of doing that, my sister made up another bed for me while my nephew brought out a cot for…

  • Holiday Lights as my Spiritual Symbols

    I’d forgotten until now that I have a notebook of erasable pages and they are lined similar to these sheets of notebook paper. The cool part of the system is that there’s an app that works with the pages to easily upload them to my place of choice – in my case, Google Drive. And…

  • The Inner Calling

    The Inner Calling

    This is my first Sunday doing Morning Pages since being back home from pet sitting.  This means that I’m not writing first thing in the morning.  I usually drive an hour to have breakfast with my dad at 7 AM.  I barely manage to get up at 5 AM to get on the road, so…

  • The HeartMind Versus the Ego Mind

    It’s hard to believe that it’s Saturday again. The days fly by, which makes it more important for me to focus on what matters most. If I don’t make that a conscious choice, large chunks of time slip by, and I’ve missed opportunities to make progress on what matters most. I see progress more as…

  • Beginning Activating a World of Love

    I stayed awake too late last night, probably from too much caffeine, so I didn’t want to get up at sunrise. But since it’s past peak hours (according to our power company), I can turn up the heat and sit in my recliner in the living room and use my new side table, which I…

  • Quan Yin Visits Me

    Quan Yin Visits Me

    Last night the weather forecast changed to show a low of 38. Before, they had it at 44. So I was out in my PJs and robe before bedtime placing covers over the plants. The low actually only got to 49 last night, according to my porch thermometer. Maybe I should have just asked my…

  • Adjusting to Being Back Home

    These colder temperatures have taken me by surprise. Thus, I was unprepared. I think today we have highs in the 50s, so that will be a nice break. My husband and I were out trying to do things that we’ve been meaning to do, like putting up the new house number I had made (ordered…

  • Soul Awakenings with Divine Compassion

    Yesterday it occurred to me as I was setting up my Compassionate Presence that when I ask to be shown the vibration of my True Soul Self, there is an assumption that my True Soul Self is not already active – at least that has been my assumption.  Is that the implication when first doing…

  • Trust in Myself

    Trust in Myself

    Today I get to go home.  I’ve been pet sitting for a week.  I plan to visit the local stores to buy what I need that I can’t get so easily after getting back home.   One of those items will be a frost cover for my largest lemon tree.  After the first night’s dip in…