Another “late bloom,” this being a Sunday when I usually have breakfast with my Dad at the crack of dawn.  

And this will sound silly, but I couldn’t find my notebook paper in my bedroom because everything is still in disarray after moving the furniture around.  So, I just decided to buy more paper at Walmart near where I have breakfast.  

I had to check out the Christmas decorations, too (while I was in there).  My sister gave me a small artificial tree, which is the perfect size for the living room.  And now that we have completed the installation of the cellular shades on all of the windows, all I need is one hand to lift and lower the window shade that will be behind the tree.  Last year we put a live tree on the porch because the size was really too big, and I couldn’t easily get to the former paper shade still hanging in that window if the tree was placed there.

Now I’m looking for ways to decorate the porch in absence of a live tree (we tried to get one but it didn’t work out before my husband headed back to the Charleston house for a week).  I do have a small white tabletop tree.  I’m planning to set that up somewhere on the porch.

All of the holiday happenings with my brother and sister-in-law who came into town to celebrate Christmas early went smoothly.  They are headed back to Pennsylvania today.  All of that plus my husband’s colonoscopy, plus still coming back into North Charleston for this morning’s breakfast, made for a very busy three days.  

Now I can relax.  I enjoyed that feeling of relaxing while walking around Walmart.  Once I finish these Pages, I may visit one more store before starting my hour-long drive back home.  There’s lots to do there.

Early last week I felt a bit stressed about how I was going to handle all of the events scheduled between Friday and today (Sunday).  It involved a lot of driving back and forth.  But I resolved to go with the flow.  Everything worked out nicely.

I have noticed with my new Reality Phasing of the New World of Love (NWL) that it’s changing my behavior.  While in the past the Phasing has shown up mainly on the outside among external circumstances, this time I’m also feeling a greater change within.  With my prior ways of doing the Phasing, the internal shifts seemed harder (the shifts that are necessary in order for the Phasing to happen).  

As I’ve reflected on this, I can only assume that this difference is because with my new method using my Compassion exercises, I am downloading the frequencies of the NWL into my Suit (my body/mind complex) every day.  Then I go through a sequence of steps to activate them.  So, each day I download more.  And as each day passes, I feel and see the difference with me and my life increase.  

This morning, because I had to be on the road so early, I went through the steps as best as I could from memory while driving, but I made a small, but important, change.  Part of the sequence involves asking to be shown any blocks to the expression and realization of those NWL frequencies.  The way that request is phrased carries within it an assumption that I do have blocks.  Whether I really do have blocks or not, if I don’t have any, my assumption will create one for me.  It will give me one.  The next step is to clear the blocks I’m shown.  

So, this morning I asked if my Suit had a block.  I kept getting the “no,” or closing signal.  At first, I didn’t want to accept that.  Surely, I had blocks! Right?  But I’m practicing trusting myself these days.  I by-passed the block-clearing step after I got the “no” and moved to the Activation segment.  

Years ago I did this very same thing with resistance.  I assumed that when things were not going well that there was always some resistance within me, and I underwent a whole spiritual practice to remove it.  It wasn’t easy.

Eventually Sanat sat me down during one of my Garden Home visits and quite seriously told me how I was literally creating resistance for me to clear because of my belief – my assumption – that it was there.  When he showed me that, I felt quite shocked about what I’d been doing to myself.  I immediately stopped that resistance-clearing exercise until I could be shown a better way.

“Blocks” are just another form of resistance.  I’m glad that I followed the nudge to check if I had blocks as I went through the practice early this morning.  

We don’t realize how potent our beliefs are.  As long as I keep believing that I have blocks to expressing and manifesting the NWL, how will I every make lasting progress?  It will be like taking one step forward and two steps back.  I’d just not get anywhere like that.  

You know, always believing I had blocks is probably a block of itself being now cleared.  How cool is that?

We can block ourselves from seeing clearly – or maybe that’s an ego-mind tactic.  I, as my True Soul Self, choose whether or not to believe that.  This is what I put into action this morning.  I chose NOT to automatically assume that I have blocks to be cleared, but checked first.  And then I saw how I didn’t want to believe it – my ego mind getting in the way again.

I choose to believe my Light is shining and creating a beautiful world around me.

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