I’d forgotten until now that I have a notebook of erasable pages and they are lined similar to these sheets of notebook paper. The cool part of the system is that there’s an app that works with the pages to easily upload them to my place of choice – in my case, Google Drive. And when I say “easy,” I do mean that. I first have to locate the notebook, do any uploads that I haven’t done yet, and then wipe the pages clean.
I have a few different sizes of these kinds of notebooks, actually, with that system, but the one that’s the size of loose-leaf paper is the one I bought for doing writing just like this. I don’t write these Morning Pages in my bullet journal because the pages are smaller, and I would have to figure out how many of them equal the size of regular paper. I’ve done that before, and it takes up a lot of space in the journals. Since I’m typing these up anyhow, I don’t see the point in using bullet-journal space for them.
A few changes: my hubby is back for the week and warmer weather is here, which means rain. The plants could certainly use that. I didn’t have to cover the plants for the first time in days.
Since I started activating the New World of Love, I’ve been alone – little interaction with people, except for out in stores and the daily phone calls with my husband. I’d been wondering if I would see a difference in how I interact with my husband once he came back under these new conditions.
First indications are very encouraging. Our interactions have simply felt delightful. It’s been far, far easier for me to be my True Soul Self. I don’t recall that being the case during times past (when I’ve done NWL activations in other ways). This is showing me that consciously working with my Suit to embody, express, and, thus, Phase the New World of Love makes a huge difference (using the Compassion Lightray, as I was told).
Another difference I’m seeing is things I’m motivated to do have changed – well, not exactly ‘what,’ but ‘how.’ I guess it was my ego mind, but I felt pushed to get things done. I would often fill my days with constant activity while feeling a certain level of stress about it. By the time evening came, I was often too tired to wash dishes and grumbled about doing them (ask my husband).
Now there’s an ease of life. And while I was following where my energy wanted to flow, I’m becoming more aware of life itself and how it feels to be alive – finding that joy in being alive.
It’s the Christmas season and I’ve been talking with one of my sisters, the one with whom I was raised – about the holiday. We were taught that it was wrong to participate in the holiday, but we both our finding our own way to making it a joyful season. There were many years that I couldn’t because of my financial situation at the time, but some years I did manage to make it joyful in spite of that.
While out in stores yesterday and looking at the Christmas decorations and hearing the music, it all sort of felt artificial to me – a forced joy to induce more spending. But the spirit of Joy is still present – I can feel it – in spite of attempts to capitalize on it.
This time of year becomes a big spiritual practice for me. I see it as a way of focusing on bringing more Light into the world similar to the light of Christ brought in at birth. I like to focus on building that Light within me – the Light of my Soul – which is the Light of Source embodied in my consciousness. To me, all the lights and sparkly decorations symbolize that Light and I’m reminded of that every day during this time of year.
Jesus spoke about shining our Light into the world, which produce good works. I’d forgotten about those words until that Bible passage was read at a funeral which I attended last month. It’s the passage that also includes the admonition to not hide our light under a bushel (I need to look that word up). That part spoke to me. I’ve definitely been hiding.
I see the sequence of events unfolding like this: Because of our free will, we are never forced. But because of our veiled perception, we do need to be placed in situations that remind us what we came into this world to do (those reminders were also built into our life plan). Our free will includes those pre-life decisions. Just because we can no longer clearly remember them doesn’t mean we’re off the hook. And the state of the world is no excuse, either. We knew the conditions when we made our decisions before being born.
Life can be very, very hard. I know. But the more Love we bring into our life, the more that hardness changes. We heal.
So, my revised and renewed practice of activating the New World of Love is my way – and my mission – of bringing that Heaven to Earth. My experiences of the past and my current one shows me that the practice works, but only when I keep my attention there and keep giving my energy to it.
This time of year reminds me to do that.
Bring that Light of Heaven into the world.
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