I stayed awake too late last night, probably from too much caffeine, so I didn’t want to get up at sunrise. But since it’s past peak hours (according to our power company), I can turn up the heat and sit in my recliner in the living room and use my new side table, which I put together last night.
With more blankets I could sit here every morning, but when my husband is here, I won’t do it. From where I’m sitting, I can see directly into his office area where he sits at his desk every morning. We tend to do become immersed in our own projects in the mornings. I try not to disturb him.
I really need to see if I can find another room divider to extend the fake wall we’ve been creating. One day he will have his room shed renovations done and won’t be in the living room, but I think that may take another year or so at the rate he’s going. I’ll look in my order history on Amazon and see if that color of the current room divider is still available.
Yesterday was my first day activating the New World of Love reality again. I say “again” because I’ve had periods where I’ve done something similar before. As I experienced those wonderful energies after the Activation, I wondered why I haven’t kept up the practice. when I think about it, from our original pristine environment and higher state of consciousness, long ago humans still made the choice to turn from Source Creator. So, I know the usual culprit is the fear-based ego mind. After seeing how I was deluded into believing that I was not being my True Soul Self, I can see how subtly I can be distracted away from the continual practice of activating a World of Love.
I really want to wake up every day in that reality. I said the same thing about being my True Soul self. I have wanted to wake up as that already.
But my ego mind tricked me into thinking I wasn’t already that. Was it a trick or was it simply that the ego mind doesn’t recognize it?
Fear is fear. It’s afraid of everything, even the most wonderful things. And most of all, it can’t exist in a space of Love, at least not in that form.
Yesterday I thought about changing my Blogspot to the name Soaring Beauty and talk about what it’s like to live in the frequencies of the New World of Love. I can say, in short, that it’s so different but feels wonderful. And that’s only at 30% – at least that was my Phase Check prior to going to bed last night.
Things do come up to be transmuted that can bring the feeling down. I had to do a couple of energy practices to help out.
Now that I think about it, I could have applied the Compassion Lightray to help clear what was coming up.
I changed the Phase Check testing statement to show me how much of my reality was populated with the activated NWL (as differentiated with the overlay, which I mentioned before) and it was between 30-39%. I didn’t test for a more specific number, but I may do that today.
I had the image yesterday that I was creating my own bubble of the NWL in which my Soul could more fully emerge. I can view that bubble more as a habitat, similar to ones I’ve created in the Realms of Love, like my Garden Home.
Sanat is here. We are actually supposed to be together on the NWL. Maybe I’m finally doing my part (of our plan).
Maybe that’s what the knowing of I don’t have much time left meant – I have to redirect my attention to what I’m wanting to do, and I don’t see anything better than activating a World of Love. The activation will ripple out into the world and those in close proximity to me will directly benefit. And those who don’t choose to live in a World of Love will leave my life. It’s already been happening.
I have tried living a ‘normal’ life where the people in my life can feel more comfortable around me. Yet most aren’t happy. Some seem determined to remain so. In the meantime, I’m spiraling downward and losing my motivation to live. What I have been doing has not been serving them well.
I’m not kidding when I say this, but if anyone who saw the original Wizard of Oz movie where Dorothy leaves her black & white world and arrives to a place of vibrant color – that is how living in Realms of Love feels to me. It’s like being on cloud nine but walking on the Earth. I feel the exquisite beauty of life. Living in that kind of world brings me such Joy. My Soul, SoulMate and Source, as well as higher Beings of Love, become more apparent to me
How can I trade that for the hell most people want to wallow in? It’s one thing when people want to get out of that and are open to a better way. Unfortunately, not everyone I know wants that. They don’t see the hell that they are creating for themselves and others around them.
Well, I will no longer dim my Light for that. I intend to ramp up the Light and Love I came to the planet to emit, because there are those who want that.
And I want to live the rest of my days in that Souring Beauty and see the Divine come alive all around me as It does within me.
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