Last night the weather forecast changed to show a low of 38. Before, they had it at 44. So I was out in my PJs and robe before bedtime placing covers over the plants. The low actually only got to 49 last night, according to my porch thermometer.
Maybe I should have just asked my Guidance last night about covering the plants. I’m sure I would have gotten the ‘no’ closing and then I would have seen the 49 degrees this morning and knew that’s why I was given the ‘no.’ Things like that happen often when I use my Guidance.
There’s an energy sensation coming over me – like a presence.
Using my Guidance now:
the presence that i’m feeling is coming from sanat.
the presence that i’m feeling is coming from my higher self.
the presence i’m feeling is coming from esmeia.
the presence i’m feeling is coming from quan yin.
How lovely! I do recognize her feeling of beautiful lightness touching my Heart. I’m not surprised that she has joined me.
Last night I connected with my Heart’s Desire to make the New World of Love active in my life and I heard:
Use the Compassion Lightray.
I’d been considering how to do that and thought I’d start with a similar sequence of exercises as the ones for embodying Compassion and my True Soul Self.
My question: is activating the New World of Love reality really something to be embodied?
I’m remembering now that it’s the frequencies – I’m embodying and programming the frequencies of the NWL within me so that it can show up around me. That’s the essence of my Reality Phasing practice. Before I begin, I’d like to do a Phase Check where I test for the percentage that the NWL is showing up in my life – how much of my life is currently comprised of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if that number is low. I don’t know if I’m correct about the percent.
I was told a while ago that the NWL is an overlay over the current Earth reality. My task was to choose it.
I was now thinking of an overlay like a piece of clothing that covers the body. But clothing can never become the body, so it’s not a fitting metaphor.
What’s coming to me is more how we used to tune into radio stations and two channels that were close together would bleed into each other. You had to nudge the knob to fully tune into the station that you wanted in order to get a clear reception. That analogy is far more accurate.
So, I think the part of me that’s the “knob” in this analogy is my attention, which turns my whole being to that reality. I then become enabled to perceive it.
How does the Compassion Lightray help me to do this? My initial thoughts go to how the Compassion Lightray forms communication in creation – our nervous systems in our bodies, for instance. I like to think of it as acting as a kind of wiring with a special kind of electro-magnetic field. Something like that is how Compassion holds the higher frequencies of the Soul in the body. Maybe something similar happens to hold the frequencies of the NWL in my body – to enable that by using the Compassion Lightray.
This must be something I’m meant to focus upon today. That’s why Quan Yin has made herself present. I feel an upliftment in my Heart as I think about it. I’m glad that we are going to be starting on this today.
It seems exhausting and inefficient to try and improve all the aspects of my life that are not working well – to do that on an individual basis. Changing the fabric of my reality will change everything that happens within it. That’s what Reality Phasing does for me. And I like that I don’t have to try and imagine what it would look like or any other such manifesting technique. The frequencies will make it happen. Whatever matches the frequencies of the NWL – once I active them – will start showing up in and among my current circumstances. People and all that’s been happening in my life will shift and change. New things will emerge into my life seeded by the NWL frequencies and create blossoms of Love.
I’ve connected with the Realities of Love, including the New Earth, enough to know what they feel like. It’s definitely on par with the Compassion Lightray. The best two words I can find to describe it are:
Soaring Beauty
The Heart and Mind just soars in the beauty of Life. Nothing bad or evil can exist in that. It’s truly amazing to feel.
I will no longer allow emotional attachments to keep me from experiencing that NWL reality.
I hope that there are versions of family and friends that match the NWL frequencies that perhaps I may magnetize into my life, but it’s their choice.
And I’m making mine.
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