Yesterday it occurred to me as I was setting up my Compassionate Presence that when I ask to be shown the vibration of my True Soul Self, there is an assumption that my True Soul Self is not already active – at least that has been my assumption.  Is that the implication when first doing that practice?  The Compassionate Presence is a Level 3 exercise (one of the main goals in working with the Compassion Lightray with this system is to embody and become my True Soul Self).  So how would that practice change when reaching Level 4?

So yesterday I changed the statement of intention to being shown the vibration of my True Soul Self even more – let it become more apparent to me. Then I had my Suit vibrate in harmony with that stronger vibration of my True Soul Self.

Sanat recently showed me that I’d been operating under the false assumption that becoming my True Soul Self was still a future goal – something for which I was still preparing myself to become.  I had, in fact, started being my True Soul Self. That shift in perception that he initiated totally changed me and I am grateful for it.  It’s not the first time he’s done that.

With that recent revelation, I wonder if it’s time to begin developing Level 4 materials and exercises (for the Compassion Lightray Attunement series).  I haven’t had a conscious conversation with Quan Yin in a long time.  Maybe in my Extended Range (of consciousness) I have.  I’d like to create a Project Card and see if there will be any movement towards it.  Being back home means more of my Project Cards can become active.

However, I want to keep uppermost in my mind what’s most important – and that also means creating a Project Card for it – which is practicing Reality Phasing for the New World of Love.  I’ve been pondering a little the practices I used to use.  I’m hesitant to use one of them – Heart Coding – because more than once ti created too much contrast and this caused some upset (meaning, a large shift happened for which I was not prepared to handle).  

Perhaps I could use that attunement step that’s done in establishing my Compassionate Presence.  The attunement is ‘vibrating in harmony,’ which seems to be a more gentle approach – so much so that I apparently didn’t know that I’d sufficiently become my True Soul Self.

Maybe I can check the Phase Percent of that reality.

So adapting it for the New World of Love Reality would mean that I would be telling my Suit to vibrate in harmony with that Reality once I move my consciousness to it and feel it.  

Would that be enough, though?

The Heart Coding was actually a way to activate Divine Love, which I then applied to increasing my Phase Percent, I think.  It worked too well, like I said, because I wasn’t prepared to make that kind of huge leap.

It’s occurring to me that maybe I could use the embodiment practices in the Compassion Lightray attunement series as part of my Reality Phasing process.

The Compassion Lightray always makes things easier and more beautiful, which is why I have enjoyed working with it.  It’s definitely something worth considering adding or adopting in my Reality Phasing practice.

I want to make the New World of Love a major focus because my theory is that Phasing this Reality in my life will automatically shift all aspects of my life.  That’s how it seemed to work when I practiced other ways of activating the New World of Love in my life.  

I think, though, this has to work in tandem with continuing to embody more of my True Soul Self while alive here on Earth.  The New World of Love will be full of people who are awake to who they truly are and living as that.  So both need to happen.

Level 4 of the Compassion Lightray system is about living one’s Soul Mission and Purpose.  I’ll have to review again the materials and see the description of that level.  

And I know that I need to talk to Quan Yin directly again.  Maybe it’s time that I receive a re-attunement.

A moment ago I saw in my mind a pond or water where more than one lotus blossom was coming out of the water.  They never live alone.  Maybe, like my Compassionate Presence, the Compassion Lightray would move from me to help others around me awaken to their Souls.  

Is that something that I could set up to happen?  I’ll have to check to see if that’s in alignment with my Soul Mission.  Maybe it already happens to a lesser extent as I become more of my Soul.

Regardless, with Reality Phasing a New World of Love or my presence activating Soul Awakenings around me, I have to be prepared to lose people in my life.  Those that don’t make the choice to live or be those things will vibrate right out of my life.  I cannot hold onto anyone.  It’s a free will choice.  I’m making the free will choice for the kind of reality in which I want to live and I can’t let emotional attachments bring me down.

It’s been tough to lose key people in my life, but if I anchor Love, Joy and Bliss enough, it makes up for that loss (or eases it).  I just have to remain focused.

Keep my attention directed.

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